A leading investment manager

Principally recognised for our market leading Managed Portfolio Service

We manage over £19.57 billionof investments on behalf of over 100,000
clients of more than 1100 Financial Adviser firms.

In addition to our own funds and portfolios we also provide investment management for external funds where our approach to investment management is complementary to their strategies and objectives. However, the value of investments and the income from them can fluctuate and it is possible that investors may not get back the amount they invested.

*As of November 2024

Investment Process

Our investment team follows a clearly defined and robust investment process that draws on its experience and expertise. Each investment decision is well-considered, leading to funds that contain a suitable blend of global assets, regions and strategies to help meet investors’ needs.

We are unconstrained investment managers, meaning that we are not limited by a particular style or provider when selecting investments. Our investment process identifies any opportunity based on the benefits it presents – we then select an investment that most closely matches it.

Our investment philosophy and process is founded on a principle of fund stewardship. Stewardship, to us, means keeping funds aligned to the desired long-term investment objectives in the face of a constantly changing world. As such, we offer clients a broad range of investment risk exposure and investment strategies, always guarding against the unintended risks that can arise when making such investments.

Our aim is to provide the widest choice of fund styles and risk profiles, so that clients and advisers can decide how best their individual needs and longer-term investment goals can be met. We are agnostic on the choice of platform or investment style, whether that be opting for funds with active or passive funds, an income focus, or any ethical restrictions.

Please contact your Financial Adviser for more information on our investment approach.


Lothar Mentel

CEO & Chief Investment Officer

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Jim Kean

Chief Economist

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James Saunders, CFA

Head of Portfolio Management

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Astrid Schilo

Chief Investment Strategist

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Adam Rawling

Multi-Asset Strategist

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Anthony Graham, CFA

Investment Manager

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Dimitra Liga

Investment Analyst

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Eli Stubley

Investment Analyst

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